Azure Event Hubs
Connection Settings
Connection String
The primary connection string for the Event Hubs Namespace. Found under shared access policies in the Azure Console’s Event Hubs view.
Event Hub Name
The name of the event hub to publish to.
Consumer Group
The name of the consumer group that subscribes to published events. If no consumer group is provided, the default consumer group is used.
Request Timeout
Maximum time to wait for a send request to respond before failing. Valid range is 100-60000 milliseconds.
Input Settings
The partition id to read from. If
no partition id is provided, data
from all existing partitions is
Include Metadata
Includes metadata specific to
Azure Event Hub. When turned on
the partition id of the payload
is included.
Output Settings
If blank, the default JSON output
format is used. Otherwise, the
format of the output can be
modified using this Apache
Freemarker template engine.